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Welcome to AiseTech.

We build and launch multi-vendor e-commerce marketplace platforms.

With simplified B2B and Supply Chain technologies to help scale, future-proof, and accelerate your business.

Build e-commerce platform

We build tailored multi-vendor B2B2C e-commerce platforms for your industry.

Deploy business sourcing system.

Our solution follows the best procurement practices and digitalizes the sourcing process.

Provide APIs and system tools

We design intelligent tools that integrate systems, streamline processes and improve operations.

Multi-vendor Marketplace

The marketplace allows customers to make the best buying decisions by comparing products/proposals with features, work scopes and all related costs.

Saas Sourcing Platform

The materials requirements are different for each construction project, but our solution makes sourcing and buying very easy!

Customer Stories

Sourcing building materials has been complex - it requires a multi-step approval process and a lot of information to review: product specifications, test results, installation and handling instructions, material customization costs, etc.

B2B building materials marketplace

B2B e-commerce saves customers a lot of time sourcing new products and qualified suppliers by automating the procurement process in the construction and building materials industry.


From Aisebuild Marketplace

Our work

We are a team of great e-commerce, business process experts, product managers, and software engineers.

We are not just creating apps but also delivering the best solution to your business problems.

Best business practices

We follow the best supply chain, accounting, and operation practices to design our platforms and customize the solutions to user requirements.

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Best business practices
E-commerce platform

A complete solution for B2B and B2C e-commerce that helps you efficiently manage customer segments and ordering workflow for all product types.

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E-commerce platform
Supply Chain Technologies

We provide different systems tools and APIs to help you seamlessly manage B2B customers, prices, discounts, orders, shipments, payments, returns, etc.

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Supply Chain Technologies


We build top-class B2B, B2C e-commerce marketplace and develop digital solutions to your business challenges.

We design, develop and launch web apps for businesses, startups, and ourselves.

Web Design

We design and develop beautiful, fast, scalable, and user-friendly websites tailored to grow your business.

Process Engineering

We design user-centered interfaces for web apps with intuitive and seamless user experiences.

Digital Marketing

We help you optimize your website SEO and increase conversion rates.

System Integration

We help integrate different systems via APIs, EDI, and webhooks and synchronize data across systems.


We help businesses digitalize and automate processes, and scale at ease.

Cloud Hosting

We use serverless architecture and cloud-host web apps that scale on-premise with increasing user traffic

Examples of processes we can improve easily

From small to large.

  • Digital Marketing
  • AR Automation
  • User Permissions
  • SEO Automation
  • Order Tracking
  • Approval Process
  • A better way to future-proof
    your business.

    We build powerful APIs and solutions for you to choose and quickly adopt to improve your business performance.

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